Issue 7

Thank you very much to all the people who responded with feedback after the last post. The reaction has been pretty positive although the major complaint seems to be that the plot got a bit confused towards the end. Well we keep learning. Virtually everyone has commented on the improved production values which I'm pleased about and I'm determined to keep up the quality and improve it next time by going completely digital from initial recording to final mix.

Those wonderful folk over at "The Who Shop" have agreed to stock Fine Line CD's! You can find them 4 Station Parade, High Street North, East Ham. London and they frequently run a stall at many a convention so keep an eye for them. The CD's are priced £5 each. I'm currently producing a fresh pile of stock for them which I should be posting to them soon.

The stall at Panopticon 2000 did pretty well and we sold a brace of CD's alongside the Stone Circle fanzine.

The popular Ghost Story article will soon be updated with details about the never repeated trio of stories, now that I've finally seen them.

As some of you are already aware, my story for BBV, Sontarans: Conduct Unbecoming is now available direct from BBV, from their website and specialist SF shops. Its a real thrill to get something published like this and the final production is first class. The cast did wonders with the script, Mike Neilson's production and music is very glossy and Steve Johnson's artwork is splendid.

Well I'll be back with more news soon about the next Who story and our brand new fantasy series Agents of Psyence. With a new series in the wings, the website will be given a complete overhaul in the next month or so. Hope you're well.

Gareth Preston
Monday, October 1, 2000

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