On the tripodscast podcast, Dani wasn't a Sci-Fi fan. Find out if The Tripods changed her mind as she watches classic TV series & films.

Dani has never really liked science fiction. All that silly spacerockets and pewpewgun Star Warsy stuff just doesn't interest her. But on "I Don't Do Sci-Fi", we're going to try and change all that!

In each episode, fellow presenters Rebecca and John will subject Dani to a different classic science fiction film or TV show. Most of them made before she was born! Aided by a selection of fan guests, they'll hope to convince her of just how awesome science fiction can be. But will they succeed in their mission?

Join us and find out on a space odyssey full of close encounters of the nerd kind!

You can click here to visit the I Don't Do Sci-Fi Youtube channel

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